12 May 2021: WEBINAR: Post-war humanist professionals. The result of historical cross-fertilisation between national ‘humanisms’?

A historic view into different humanist organisations and services post WWII. How did the organisations evolve and how did they influence each other? The basis for this topic and webinar will be an article by Niels De Nutte and Jeffrey Tyssens ‘Comparative Humanisms: Secularity and Life Stances in the Post-War Public Sphere’.

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WEBINAR: Why do we have ceremonies? (5 March, 10h00)

On 5th of March 10h00 European time, EHP will host a webinar on ceremonies.

We will focus on topics like

- the significance of ceremonies in human life
- what characterizes ceremony as a genre?
- how ceremonies change over time?

Speakers: Tale Pleym (Head of Ceremony department at the Norwegian Humanist Association) and Eivind Eggen (funeral advisor, Ceremony dep.)

Participation is free. After registration a link to the webinar will be sent out by e-mail.

Please register at tale.pleym@human.no

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