A historic view into different humanist organisations and services post WWII. How did the organisations evolve and how did they influence each other? The basis for this topic and webinar will be an article by Niels De Nutte and Jeffrey Tyssens ‘Comparative Humanisms: Secularity and Life Stances in the Post-War Public Sphere’.
Niels De Nutte is the programme coordinator and a guest professor of the postgraduate programme ‘Praktisch Humanisme’ organised by deMens.nu, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the Universiteit Gent. He is affiliated to the History Department of the VUB as a doctoral student and an associate director of the International Society for Historians on Atheism, Secularism and Humanism. From 2017 to 2019 he worked as a scientific collaborator at the Centre for Academic and Secular Humanist Archives.
The webinar is free and starts at 14h00 CET. To get the link please register HERE.